DaviD W. Sanderson (

"The Noah Webster of smileys is David Sanderson" - The Wall Street Journal, 15 Sep 1992

:-)     Willie Shoemaker

 -(      always should wear safety glasses, especially in the laser burn-in room
!-(      black eye
!-|      "I-am-a-Cylon-Centurian-with-one-red-eye-bouncing-back-and-forth."
       [The Grey Wolf]
!.'v     (profile) flat top
!|:-( )  being brained by a baseball bat [David J. Rood]
#(,'%/)  slept too long on one side and didn't have time to wash hair [David
          J. Rood]
#-)     partied all night
#:-)    "Everything you know is wrong" [RICHH]
             for people whose hair is in a mess, like mine [Richard
             smiley done by someone with matted hair [figmo@lll-crg.ARpA]
#:-o     "Jesus built my hotrod" [RICHH]        "Oh, nooooooo!" (a la Mr. Bill)
        [Lynn Gold, figmo@lll-crg]
       smiley done by someone with matted hair
#:o+=    Betty Boop
$$         for academic jobs [Richard Treitel, ]
$$$       for industrial jobs [Richard Treitel, ]
$$$$     for people starting up their own company [Richard Treitel, ]
$-)     Alex P. Keaton (from "Family Ties")
           won big at Las Vegas
           won the lottery
%         for bike accidents (a bit far-fetched, I suppose) [Richard Treitel,
%')     after drinking a fifth for lunch
%*@:-(   hung over
%*}      very drunk [jeanette@randvax]
%+{      lost a fight
%-(     confusion [Bob Peirce]
%-(I)    laughing out loud
%-)      Elephant man
            after staring at the terminal for 36 hours
            broken glasses
            drunk with laughter
            long bangs
%-6      braindead
%-<I>    drunk with laughter
%-\     hungover
%-^      Picasso
%-{      sad variation
%-|      been working all night
%-}     humor variation
%-~      Picasso
%\v      Picasso
&-|      tearful
&.(..    crying
&:-)     curly hair
'-)      one eyed man
        only has a left eye, which is closed
':-)    accidentally shaved off one of his eyebrows this morning
        one eyebrow
'~;E     unspecified 4-legged critter
      ( unhappy Cheshire cat [David J. Rood]
(!)     reference to non-Vanderbilt SEC football [David J. Rood]
($)      speculation on why Vanderbilt is in the SEC [David J. Rood]
()      reference to football [David J. Rood]
(,'%/)   slept too long on one side [David J. Rood]
(-)      needing a haircut
        needs a haircut
(-.-)Zzz...      sleeping [Kei Okano]
(-:     Australian
        Don Ellis from Tektronix
(-::-)   Siamese twins
(-:|:-)         Siamese twins
(-E:     wearing bifocals [jeanette@randvax]
(-_-)    secret smile
(-o-)    Imperial Tie Fighter ("Star Wars")
(00)    mooning you
(8-)    wears glasses
(8-o     Mr. Bill
(8-{)}   glasses, moustache and a beard
(:  (=|  wearing a ghost costume
(:)-)   likes to scuba dive
              scuba diving
(:+)    big nose
(:-      unsmiley frowning
(:-#     I am smiling and I have braces (watch out for the glare!)
        said something he shouldn't have
(:-$    ill
             ill-informed about the Renaissance [RICHH]
(:-&  Rosicrucian [RICHH]
(:-(     Sting [RICHH]
        unsmiley frowning
(:-)    "I never sang for my grandfather" [RICHH]
        no hair
             smiley big-face
        wearing bicycle helmet
(:-*     kissing
(:-...   heart-broken
(:-D     blabber mouth
(:-I    egghead
(:-\     VERY sad
(:-{~    bearded
(:-|K-   formally attired
(:<)    Rastafari [RICHH]
        blabber mouth
(:=)     TWO noses (?)
(:>-<    thief: hands up!
(:I       egghead
(:^(    Jack Nicholson in Chinatown [RICHH]
             broken nose
(@ @)    You're kidding!
(H f     Robocop in a hydraulic press [David J. Rood]
(O--<    fishy
(V)=|    pacman champion
(X0||)   double hamburger with lettuce and tomato [David J. Rood]
([(      Robocop
(^^)y-~~~        smoking [Kei Okano]
(x)     reference to Vanderbilt football [David J. Rood]
(|-|   F        Robocop [David J. Rood]
(}-8]    left-handed bearded smiley with glasses and headphones [Dave Straker]
)         Cheshire cat
)8-)     scuba smiley big-face
):-(     unsmiley big-face
):-)    smiley big-face
*!#*!^*&:-)      a schizophrenic
**       for winter sports generally [Richard Treitel, ]
**-(     too many shocks [David J. Rood]
*-(      Cyclops got poked in the eye
*-)      shot dead
*8-)     Beaker (the Muppet lab assistant) [James Cameron]
*:*      fuzzy
*:**     fuzzy with a fuzzy mustache
*:o)     Bozo the Clown
*<.'v    (profile) wearing snow cap
*<8-)X  party outfit with hat and bow-tie [Andrew Williams]
*<:-)    Santa Claus
*<|:-)   Santa Claus (Ho Ho Ho)
*<|:-))  Santa Claus
*L*      blotto
*|       for oh what a beautiful sunset [Richard Treitel, ]
+-(:-)  Religious leader
               the Pope
+-:-)   priest
+:-)    priest
        smiley priest
+<.'v    (profile) knight
+<:-)    "Peace be upon you, my children..." [Ben Cranston, zben@umd2]
+<:-|    monk/nun
+<||-)   knight
+O:-)    the Pope
,-)      one eye ... and winking
            other eyed man
,-}     wry and winking
,.'v     (profile) has short hair
,:-)     David Ogden Stiers' toupee [David J. Rood]
             shaved his left eyebrow off this morning
-        Helen Keller
-  @=    messages about nuclear war
- -:-(   punk rocker (real punk rockers don't smile) (alternate version)
- -:-)   punk rocker (alternate version)
-)       Jose Feliciano
---...   SOS (variant)
---...---        SOS (really OSO, but retained anyway)
-/-      stirring up trouble [James Blustein]
-:)      has mohawk []
-:-(     punk rocker (real punk rockers don't smile)
-:-)     has mohawk
        punk rocker
-=       a doused candle (to end a flame)
-=#:-)   wizard
->-      for airline tickets going cheap [Richard Treitel, ]
->=:-)X  Zippy the Pinhead [Dyon Anniballi, dyon@batcomputer]
'!       (profile) grim
'"       (profile) pursing lips
'J       (profile) smiling
'P       (profile) sticking tongue out
'T       (profile) keeping a straight face
'U       (profile) yawning
'V       (profile) shouting
'Y       (profile) whistling
'\       (profile) frowning
'r       (profile) sticking tongue out
'v       (profile) talking
'w       (profile) speaking with forked tongue
-(       always should wear safety glasses [Terrence Mason, entropy@fluke]
-)       Sammy Davis, Jr.
           one eye
-]       one eye
.---...  ABBA fan [RICHH]
...(     Wile E. Coyote after attempt on Road Runner's life [David J. Rood]
\/       duck variation
^v       (profile) pointy nose
_)      suffering from Lorentz contraction (they're coming every ten minutes now)
        suffering from Lorentz contractions
/8^{~    hair line, glasses, moustache, and goatee [James Revell]
/:-|    Mr. Spock
/;-)     has one big thick cockeyed eyebrow [jeanette@randvax]
/\       for camping and backpacking [Richard Treitel, ]
0-(      scuba diver with a broken mask
0-)      Cyclops
        scuba diver
        smiley cyclops (scuba diver?)
0:-)     angel [ins_ajpo@jhunix.UUCP]
2B|^2B   "Forty Seconal should suffice" [RICHH]
                message about Shakespeare
3  :-)   Bart Simpson [Liron Lightwood]
3:*>    Rudolph the reindeer
3:-o     cow
3:[     mean pet smiley
3:]      pet smiley
3:o[    net.pets
4:-)     George Washington
5:-)    Elvis Presley
6\/)     elephant
7:)      Ronald Reagan
7:-)     Fred Flintstone
7:^]  Ronald Reagan
8           infinity
8 :-)   wizard
8 :-I   net.unix-wizards
8(:-)    Mousketeer
        Walt Disney
8)      frog
8*)     glasses and a moustache [ins_ajpo@jhunix.UUCP]
8-#      death
8-)      "I was the second gunman" [RICHH]
        wide-eyed look [figmo@lll-crg.ARpA]
8-*      just ate a hot pepper
8-O      "Omigod!!" (done after "rm -rf *" ?)
        took too many nodoz to work on thesis
8-O  --*        just before doubling over with pain [David Gundlach]
8-P     reaction to College Cafeteria Coffee [The Grey Wolf]
8-S      sees all evil [David J. Rood]
8-]     "wow, maaan"
8-o      Mr. Bill
8-|     eyes wide with surprise
8:)      pig [The Grey Wolf]
8:-)    glasses on forehead
             little girl
8:]     gorilla
8=:-)    Galloping Gourmet
8P       bullfrog in mating season
8^       chicken [jeanette@randvax]
8_)      don't get your nose out of joint [Andrew Williams]
8b bullfrog in mating season
: )     leper
:###)   Jimmy Durante
:$)     Donald Trump
:%)      an accountant
:%)%    has acne
:'(      crying [Bob Peirce]
:'-(     crying
:'-)     crying with happiness
:'O      Bob Hope [Charles J. Lord]
:'}      Richard Nixon [Charles J. Lord]
:(       frowning [Bob Peirce]
:(=)    Jimmy Carter [Jon Stewart-Taylor]
:)      Cheshire cat smile
        midget smiley
:*      kisses
:*)     Ed McMahon
        drunk smiling face, for those of us who like get intoxicated before or
      while reading netnews
        smile with moustache [ins_ajpo@jhunix.UUCP]
:+(     punched nose, hurt
:+)     Carl Friedrich Gauss
:,(      crying
:-       male
        prolog programmer [Jeff Winslow, jeffw@midas.UUCP]
:-!     bland face
        smiley bland face
:-"     heavy smoker
            pursing lips
:-#      braces
        mouth zipped
        my lips are sealed
        punched in the mouth
:-#|    bushy mustache
        smiley face with bushy mustache
:-$      "These braces sure do hurt!" [David J. Rood]
        mouth wired shut
        sellout (does NOT rhyme with zealot!) [David J. Rood]
        smiley face with it's mouth wired shut
:-%      banker
            smiley banker
            talking out of both sides of mouth
:-&      tongue-tied
:-'      smoker
:-'|    has a cold
:-(      "I will start with those you love most" [RICHH]
        boo hoo
        has read too many 'smiley' articles
        sad face, 'that comment makes me sad (mad)'
:-(  )   You backed your car over my toe
:-( :-( :-( :-!  Taylor Caldwell [David J. Rood]
:-()     I stubbed my toe
:-(*)    sick of netnews articles, about to vomit
:-(0)    yelling
:-(=)   big teeth
:-(>~    "I just washed my goatee, and I can't do nuthin' with it." [David J.
:-(O)   yelling
:-)      "We are all, each of us, alone" [RICHH]
        Your basic smiley. This smiley is used to inflect a sarcastic or joking
       statement since we can't hear voice inflection over Unix.
             ha ha
             smiley standard
             the normal smiling face, appended to a sentence or an article means 'this
       is a joke' or 'this is supposed to make you laugh'
:-)   ,         outie belly button
:-)   .         innie belly button
:-)   8  Dolly Parton
:-) )-:         masking theatrical comments
:-) ... :-( ... :-) ... :-( ... manic depressive
:-) :-( :-| :-?  Edgar Cayce [David J. Rood]
:-) :-) :-)      loud guffaw
:-) :-) :-) :-)  Shirley MacLaine [David J. Rood]
:-)!!!  Sam Kinnison
:-)'    drooling
:-))     double chin
:-)))    William Conrad
             very overweight
:-)*    speaks Esperanto [Jon Stewart-Taylor]
:-)--    98-pound weakling
:-)-O   smiling doctor with stethoscope
:-)8    man with bowtie
             well dressed
:-)==   Arnold Schwarzenegger
:-)X    wearing a bowtie
:-)}    has goatee/beard
:-)~    drooling
:-*     Oops!
        Oops! (covering mouth with hand)
        after eating something bitter or sour
:-,      "Hmmmm."
:--)    Jamie Farr (Klinger from M*A*S*H)
:------------)   big liar
:-.)     Madonna [Jayanth N. Anantharaman]
             Marilyn Monroe [Jayanth N. Anantharaman]
:-/      lefty undecided smiley
:-0      No Yelling! (Quiet Lab)
        smiley orator
        user can't find shift key
:-1      bland face
            smiley bland face
:-6      after eating something sour
        smiley after eating something sour
:-7      smiley after a wry statement
            smokes a pipe
            talking out of side of mouth
            wry face
:-8     talking out both sides of your mouth
:-8(    condescending stare
:-9      licking its lips
        smiley licking it's lips
:-:     mutant
        mutant smiley
:-<     frowning
        real sad
        real sad smiley
:-=)     Adolph Hitler
             older smiley with mustache
:->     biting sarcastic face
        deformed lips
        hey hey
        yet another smiley
:->X==|  smiley formalware [Peter da Silva]
:-?     smiley smoking a pipe
        smoking a pipe
            tongue in cheek [Ross Johnson]
:-@      "I swear"
        beard has permanent wave *or* was drawn by Picasso.
        extremely angry
        smiley face screaming
:-B     drooling
:-C      just totally unbelieving
     really bummed out
:-D             big smile
        laughing (at you!)
        said with a smile
        talking too much
        wider happy face [figmo@lll-crg.ARpA]
:-E      bucktoothed vampire
        has major dental problems
:-F      bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing
:-G-    smoking cigarettes
:-I     hmm
:-J     tongue-in-cheek comments
:-M      speaking no evil
:-O      Mr. Bill
        ohh, big mouth, Mick Jagger
        uh oh
        yelling [Bob Peirce]
:-O>-o   smiley American tourist (note big mouth and camera)
:-P     " I have a longer tongue than Gene Simmons" [RICHH]
        has a secret to tell you
             nyah nyah
        sticking out tongue
             telling secrets
        tongue hanging out in anticipation
:-Q     smoker
:-Q~     smoking
:-R      has the flu
:-S      just made an incoherent statement
:-T      keeping a straight face
        keeping a straight face (tight-lipped)
:-V     shouting
:-W     speak with forked tongue
:-X     A big wet kiss!
        bow tie
            my lips are sealed
:-Y     a quiet aside
:-[     biting criticism
        biting criticism smiling face, ditto for criticism
        un-smiley blockhead
:-\     Popeye
            undecided smiley
:-]     biting sarcasm
        biting sarcasm smiling face, used when sarcasm is intended, since we
      cannot inflect our voice over the net
            smiley blockhead
:-`     smiley spitting out its chewing tobacco
            spitting out chewing tobacco
:-a      lefty smiley touching tongue to nose
:-b      "I have a longer tongue than Gene Simmons, only it is cloven" [RICHH]
        left-pointing tongue
:-bill  Zydeco Bill, with harmonica in mouth and washboard on chest [Bill
:-c     bummed out
        real unhappy
:-d      lefty smiley razzing you
:-d~    smokes heavily
:-e     disappointed
:-f     sticking tongue out
:-i     semi-smiley
:-j     left smiling smiley
:-k     beats me, looks like something, though
:-l      yet another smiley
:-o      "Oh, nooooooo!" (a la Mr. Bill) [figmo@lll-crg.ARpA]
        "Oh, the humanity!" [RICHH]
             Mr. Bill
             Uh oh!
        singing national anthem
        smiley singing national anthem
:-p      smiley sticking its tongue out (at you!)
:-p~     smokes heavily
:-q     smiley trying to touch its tongue to its nose
        trying to touch tongue to nose
:-r      sticking tongue out
:-s     after a BIZARRE comment
            smiley after a BIZARRE comment
:-t      cross smiley
:-v      speaking
            talking head smiley
:-w      speak with forked tongue
:-x      "my lips are sealed"
        "my lips are sealed" smiley
        kiss kiss
        not telling any secrets
:-y     said with a smile
:-z      yet another cross smiley
:-{      mustache
            smiley variation on a theme
:-{  -__-:       after slamming the toilet seat [David Gundlach]
:-{#}    messages teasing people about their braces
:-{)     moustache
             normal smiling face with a moustache
:-{}    heavy lipstick
:-{~    has read too many of the toilet paper articles previous to lunch
:-|      "have an ordinary day"
        "have an ordinary day" smiley
             no expression
        no expression face, 'that comment doesn't phase me'
:-| :-|         deja' vu [David J. Rood]
:-||    angry
:-}      "Thish wine tashted pretty good"
        fiendish grin [James Blustein]
        normal smiling face with pretty lips
        pretty lips
        wears lipstick or some other lip appearance improving device
:-~)    has a cold
:/)     not funny
:/7)    Cyrano de Bergerac
:/i     no smoking
:3-<     dog
:8)      pig
::-)    wears glasses
::=))   double vision or needs new shocks [David J. Rood]
:<      midget unsmiley
           what pretences!
:<()    African tribesman
:<)      from an Ivy League School
:<)=     for those with beards too
:<=      walrus
:<|     attends an Ivy League school
:= |     Baboon
:=)     has two noses
:=8)    baboon
:>      hmm, let me think...
           midget smiley
:>)     big nose
:?)      philosopher
:@       what?
:@)     pig
:C      what?
:D       laughter
:I       Hmmm, not funny!
:P      sticking out tongue [Bob Peirce]
:Q      smoking [Bob Peirce]
:Q)     John Q. Public
:Ui     smoking
:Uj     smoking (and smiling)
:V       woodpecker
:V)     woodpecker
:X       lips are sealed [Bob Peirce]
:X)      hearing no evil
:[      real downer
:]      Gleep...a friendly midget smiley who will gladly be your friend
:^(      has had his nose put out of joint; useful for replying to flames
:^)     3/4 view of person with elf-type sharp nose [The Grey Wolf]
        broken nose
            smiley with pointy nose (righty)
:^D      "Great! I like it!"
:^{      for those with moustaches
:^{)>    moustache and beard
:_)      after a fight where his nose was smashed in [Brian C. White]
        nose sliding off face
:b      sticking out tongue [Bob Peirce]
:c)     big nose variant [Po-Jen J. Yang]
:c<     big nose variant [Po-Jen J. Yang]
:d      stick out your tongue [Andrew R. Millen]
:n)     funny-looking right nose
:o)     Stimpy (of Ren & Stimpy) [Tara Lin Dahlkemper]
:q      vi  user saying, "How do I get out of this damn emacs editor?" [Mark
:u)     funny-looking left nose
:v)     left-pointing broken nose
            left-pointing nose
:{      oh boy, the headmaster!...
:}      What should we call these? (what?)
:~(     nose put out of joint
:~)     Peter Ubberoth
            needs a nosejob
            pointy nose (righty)
            smiling face needs a nosejob, no explanation necessary
        ugly nose
:~-(    crying
:~-)     so happy, s/he is crying
:~/     really mixed up
;        Cheshire cat with gingivitis [David J. Rood]
;(      crying
;)       winking [Bob Peirce]
;-(      'that makes me so mad that if I ever see you I'll punch your lights out'
            beaten up
        sad face gets his lights punched out
        sad or mad and got beat up
;-)      "If you touch my daughter again, they won't be blanks" [RICHH]
             a practical joker who played one too many and got beat up
             beaten up
        could be pirate smiling face??
        crying with happiness
        getting fresh
        sardonic incredulity
        smiling face gets his lights punched out
;-?     wry tongue in cheek [Ross Johnson]
;-D     a friendly, winking, laughing smile []
;-\     Popeye beaten up
            Popeye gets his lights punched out
;-|     beaten up but silent
            no expression face gets his lights punched out
            says nothing but still gets beat up
;-}      leer? (terminal dependent)
;:-)    really bad toupee [David J. Rood]
;^?      punched out
<&&>     message concerning rubber chickens
<*:oDX   clown with bowtie and dunce
<:-(     disappointed
<:-)            dumb questions
<:-)<<|         in a space rocket
<:-I    dunce
<:-O    Eeek!
<:>==    a turkey emoticon
<:I     dunce
<<<<(:-)        hat salesman
<=       for messages about housing in the Snow Belt [Richard Treitel, ]
<@:{(>X         mustached chinese man with a toupee (also sporting a goatee and a
          bowtie) [Andrew R. Millen]
     a nerd smiley that's unbearably pleased with itself [John Hughes]
=:-#}   punk rocker with a mustache
        smiley punk with a mustache....
=:-(     punk rocker (real punk rockers don't smile)
        smiley punk-rocker (real punk rockers don't smile)
=:-)     hosehead
        punk rocker
        smiley punk-rocker
=:-H     football player
==#==    railroad crossings [Kenneth P. Brooks, ]
===:[OO']>:===  has been railroaded
=====:}  snake
=^)      [Axl]
=t==     Mexican run over by train
=|:-)   Abe Lincoln
=|:-)=   Abe Lincoln
>%)      Wile E. Coyote [David J. Rood]
>-<     absolutely livid!!
>->     china man
>-^);>   fish
>8o!...  Bugs Bunny with carrot [David J. Rood]
>:)      a little devil
>:*)    Bozo the Clown
>:-(    mad, annoyed
             sick and tired of reading this nonsense
>:-)    devil [ins_ajpo@jhunix.UUCP]
>:-<    mad
>:->    devilish
>:-I     net.startrek
>:-b     left-pointing tongue smiley
>:^(  headhunter (Amazon style)
>;-)     devilish wink [ins_ajpo@jhunix.UUCP]
>;->    winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made.
>< >< about/to someone wearing argyle socks
>>-O->  General Custer
>[I     Television
>w      nose-thumbing gesture [jeffw@midas.UUCP]
>|(      Robocop: "Thank you for your co-operation." [Craig P McLaughlin]
>|->     Chinese
?-(     about people with a black eye
        has black eye
?:)  single curl of hair [James Blustein]
@%&$%&  N.W.A. fan [RICHH]
        You know what that means...
@%&$%&$\&*@%$#@  you know what that means...
@-(      "Ulysses!  Bring me Ulysses!" [Ben Cranston, zben@umd2]
@-)      Cyclops
        Space... The Final Frontier [David J. Rood]
        seeing stars []
@.'v    (profile) has curly hair
@:-)     Indian (East)
        wavy hair
        wearing a turban
@:I     turban
@=       "Kafka was a momma's boy" [RICHH]
        flame about nuclear war, power or weapons follows (mushroom cloud)
            pro-nuclear war
@>--->----       a rose
@l@     too many hours at terminal
B)      frog wearing sunglasses
B-(8     Sir Robin Day (a British BBC TV presenter, famed for his grumpy
       countenance, and who wears glasses and a bow tie)
B-)      "Holy trichinosis!" [RICHH]
        "I pray daily for death" [RICHH]
            "Let's do the beach, man!" [The Grey Wolf]
        horn-rimmed glasses
B-D      "Serves you right, dummy!!"
B-|     cheap sunglasses
B:-)    sunglasses on head
B^)      hornrimmed glasses
C:#      football player
C:-)     large brain capacity
C=:-)   Galloping Gourmet
        chef [ins_ajpo@jhunix.UUCP]
C=>8*)  devilish chef with glasses and a moustache [ins_ajpo@jhunix.UUCP]
C=}>;*{))       mega-smiley... a drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in an updraft,
            a mustache, and a double chin
C=}>;*{O)        mega-smiley... a drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in an updraft,
            a mustache, and a double chin
C|:-=    Charlie Chaplin
E-:-)    ham radio operator
E-:-I    net.ham-radio
EK(     Frankenstien
Ic:()    pygmy with bone in hair [Andrew R. Millen]
K:P  a little kid with a propeller beanie
L:-)    just graduated
M-)      sees no evil
M-),:X),:-M     sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil
M.^.M   nirvana or the failure of a chiropracter [David J. Rood]
M:-)    saluting
O 8-)    the angelic halo look [Andrew Williams]
O :-)   an angel (at heart, at least)
O |-)   net.religion
O+       appropriate for women's messages, surely? [Richard Treitel, ]
O-&-<    doing nothing
O-(==<   chastised and/or chagrined, or is merely asleep.
O-)      Megaton Man, on patrol! [Matthew P. Wiener, weemba@brahms.BERKELEY.EDU]
            scuba diver
O-G-<    pointing to self
O-S-<    in a hurry
O-Z-<    in a big hurry
O:-)    acting very innocent (halo)
             with halo
O>-<|=   of interest to women
OO      headlights on msg
P-)     Colonel Klink (Hogan's Heroes)
        getting fresh
Q:-)    new graduate
R-)     broken glasses
X-(      just died
[8-{)   bearded smiley with glasses and headphones [Dave Straker]
[:-)    listening to walkman
        wearing a walkman
[:-]    square head
[:]     robot
[:|]     robot (or other AI project)
[=         for messages about housing in Arizona [Richard Treitel, ]
[]       hugs
\.^./    lotus position, seen from above [David J. Rood]
\/\/\/\,8-O      really should fix frayed line cord on terminal
\:-)    french hat
\:^)    gumby smiley
\o/      PTL (praise the lord, or pass the loot?)
]:-)    The Devil
]:->     The Devil
^(^     happy variation
^)^  ^(^         two people talking
^L^      happy
^v^v^    mountains [Kenneth P. Brooks, ]
_:^)     American Indian
_\\//    Vulcan salute
__!     enough for now [David J. Rood]
__.     properly chastised and/or chagrined, or is merely asleep
__/~`-'~\_/     line of thought isn't quite a line
__Q~`__  cat
_______  Wile E. Coyote under rock [David J. Rood]
                a He-Ne laser line [David J. Rood]
                student EEG on Saturday night [David J. Rood]
`-_-'   Have you hugged your wolf today? [Peter da Silva]
`:-)    shaved his right eyebrow off this morning
`^J      smiley [Carl Pettypiece]
d :-o    hats off to your great idea
d.'v    (profile) wearing hard hat
d8=      Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat
d:-)    baseball player
g-)      wearing pince-nez glasses
i-=<*** __.     CAUTION: has flame thrower and uses it!
i-=<****** o-(==<        CAUTION: has flame thrower and uses it!
i-=<***i         CAUTION: has flame thrower
o-)      Cyclops
o-<:-{{{         santa [rayan@utai.uucp]
o/      raised hand
o=       a burning candle (for flames)
oO:-)***         Santa Claus [Ann Finley]
oo       "It's cold out" [RICHH]
            somebody's head-lights are on
oo-      puzzled, confused
pp#     cow
pq`#'   bull
q:-)    wearing baseball cap backwards
r:-)    wearing ponytail [guru]
y:-)    bad toupee [David J. Rood]
{        Alfred Hitchcock
        a psycho [RICHH]
{        :-)    Marge Simpson (Homer's wife) [Liron Lightwood]
{(:-)    wearing toupee
{0-)    Cyclops
{8-}    grinning mischievously (or just charmingly) [Jeffrey Deutsch]
{:-)     hair parted in the middle
        new hair style
             smiley with its hair parted in the middle
        wearing a toupee
{:-{)}  new hair style, mustache and beard
{:\/    sounds like a duck
{:^=(   Adolph Hitler
{=       for messages about housing [Richard Treitel, ]
{{-}}}   refugee from the '60's
{}      'no comment'
|       for bike fleet messages [Richard Treitel, ]
|)      salamander
|-(      asleep with nightmares [ins_ajpo@jhunix.UUCP]
            late at night
            yawn [RICHH]
|-)     Chinese
            Same as :-) but poster is Oriental [figmo@lll-crg.ARpA]
        asleep (boredom)
        hee hee
|-<>    kissy face
|-D     ho ho
|-I      sleeping
|-O      bored
|-P      reaction to unusually ugly C code [The Grey Wolf]
|-{     "Good Grief!"  (Charlie Brown?)
|:-)    heavy eyebrows
|:-O    (no explanation given)
|:-|     excessively rigid
|:['    Groucho Marx
|I       asleep
|^o      snoring
||      for messages about cars or other four-wheeled vehicles [Richard Treitel,
||*(     handshake offered
||*)    handshake accepted
|~(     "Someone just busted my nose".
}(:-(   wearing toupee in wind
}-)     a wry grin [Howard Chu]
}:-(    bull headed
        toupee in an updraft
}:-)    hair parted in the middle in an updraft
        wearing toupee in an updraft
}:-<     cat
}:^#})  mega-smiley: updrafted bushy-mustached pointy nosed smiley with a
}:~#})   mega-smiley: updrafted bushy-mustached ugly nosed smiley with a
~ :-(    particularly angry
~#:-(   "I just washed my hair, and I can't do nuthin' with it." [David J. Rood]
~'v      (profile) has long bangs
~:-(     net.flame
~=       a candle, to annotate flaming messages
~==     flame follows (picture of a lit match or candle) [figmo@lll-crg.ARpA]
~M`'~    camel
~~:-(    net.flame
~~\8-O   needs to fix frayed cord on terminal
~~~\8-O  zapped by frayed cord on terminal
~~~c___  beach [Kenneth P. Brooks, ]
~~~~8}   snake
~~~~~8}  snake
~~~~~:>         person in a transporter beam [David J. Rood]
~~~~~>   photon [David J. Rood] 
