KOMET Unleashed - DSS Kernel

Figure 1: Class Diagram of the DSS Kernel
(Click the image to enlarge it)

The DSS kernel is responsible to mediate between the subsystems of the KOMET architecture (layer orientation). The DSS kernel defines different services, which are requested by the components of the subsystems (service orientation), to fulfill this responsibility. This works in a way that a component sends a service request to the DSS kernel, which uses the request to perform further operations, generates a service response and sends it back to the component. KometML (see here) serves as common language, which service requests as well as service responses are coded in.

The DSS kernel provides the following services:

The reference implementation of the DSS kernel in Java consists of 28 classes and four interfaces. the interface KometKernel serves as call interface of the DSS kernel. Its only method is KometKernel.request. A string containing the service request serves as method parameter, a string containing the service response is returned by this method.

The interface KometKernel is implemented by two classes:

Das Klassendiagramm ist in Abbildung 2 dargestellt.

Martin Döllerer - zuletzt geändert am 01.01.1970 um 01:00 Uhr